All of us can agree that it is important for kids to be connected to the church. Unfortunately, statistics tell us that by the time kids enter collage- nearly 45% of them walk away from church. So what are we to do? How do we get them to feel a sense of connection that will transcend the changes of life that the kids will experience? These changes consist not only of biological changes but also social and geographical changes. As the body grows we all know there are changes which effect us emotionally but we have social changes as we advance in school, neighbors come and go, fellow church attendees and often church leadership change to name a few. Geographical changes can consist of not only the new school but also the movement of the family to different neighborhoods, states or regions. If we consider the amount of kids that have been effected by divorce the number doubles! So again, with all these changes kids experience how do we give them a sense of connection that will last?
There are several ways that people attempt to accomplish this that may prove to not be as effective as we would hope. I am guilty of many of them as well, all in the name of drawing in kids to church. I know that I have used the “Energy Drink” method of kid retention! What’s that you ask, it’s when you give them all the hype without the substance. At some point in time they are going to crash when the adrenaline wears off. Energy drinks get you going or give you a burst of energy but it won’t last. So, please take these suggestions as a starting point and expand on them as God expands your vision.
- Don’t Forget Jesus
- Equipped not just Entertained
- Partner with Parents
These suggestions will help kids connect to the church and Christ. If you then couple that with a kid friendly environment that is purposefully set up for them, you will have a winning combination. We can all do our part and reach and keep this generation for Him!
#aokl, #ckn4him, #agkidmin
Rick Ricciardelli,